Teeth cleanings and preventive dental treatments will help you maintain excellent oral health while reducing future dental expenditures. Routine dental exams and professional teeth cleanings are crucial for your oral health. At iTooth Family Dentistry, we provide various preventive care treatments to help you retain good oral health for a lifetime.
Home care routine must include brushing and flossing twice a day. In addition, several preventive dental strategies can make your oral condition even better. Patients will be amazed to know that some special toothpaste, mouthwash, or a unique toothpick can help make all the difference in their efforts. Our team at iTooth Family Dentistry will provide customized solutions to assist your dental care efforts and transform your smiles.
A balanced nutritious diet plays a critical role in oral health. We will educate you on the foods that will be beneficial for the growth and development of your oral structures. Preventive dentistry measures like teeth cleanings, sealants, and fluoride treatments will help fight tooth decay and restrict the spread of gum disease.
Together, with a proactive approach, we can prevent minor problems from turning into major ones. If the oral infections and inflammation are not treated, they can cause other health problems that could otherwise be avoided.
To take advantage of regular cleanings and preventive dentistry, visit our office, iTooth Family Dentistry, at 5021 S. National Ave Springfield, MO 65810. You can also reachDentist Springfield MO at (417) 883-8515.
MON - THU 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
FRI - SUN Closed