Think Outside the Braces to Straighten Your Smile

Think Outside the Braces to Straighten Your Smile

Posted by iTooth Family Dentistry


on Jun 25 2015, 05:49 AM

Think Outside the Braces to Straighten Your Smile
Have you or your teenager wanted to correct crooked, crowded or gapped teeth, but just the thought of metal braces gives you nightmares? Well, fear no more. New options in teeth straightening are like a dream come true. Advances in dentistry have cultivated new, covert ways to perfect your smile.

Even if you have just a couple teeth out of line, it's important for the health of those teeth to have them aligned properly. Teeth straightening is not just about looks.

See how you feel about plastic aligner trays or for truly invisible straightening, take a look at behind-the-teeth braces - that no one can see. You can get the perfect smile without hiding the one you have.

How do these less-obvious options work?

Download Our Free E-Book:

Going Beyond Braces for a Straight Smile

Not so very long ago, you had two options for meandering teeth... live with them or... metal braces. Not anymore. Take a look at our E-Book to learn about your options for an enviously even smile.

What you will learn:
Why correcting crooked teeth is not just about looking good
Choices for teeth straightening:
oSelf-ligating braces
oClear or translucent braces
oBehind-the-teeth braces
oPlastic aligner tray systems
The advantages of each option
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